Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What would I do without the mothers in my life?
After a particularly trying morning, I called my sister. Her kids are older (and absolutely perfect) and she has already been through the crap that I encounter. Much to my dismay--and probably to her luck--she was not available. My mom, another wonderful mother, just had surgery, so hearing from her mopey daughter is not the bouquet of flowers she deserves. My third try was a relatively new friend that I spent much time with over the summer. Poor her and lucky me! After a few minutes of niceties, I spilled my guts. I half-heartedly tried to stem my flood of woes and even shed a few tears. Without skipping a single beat or even doing the pity thing, she guided me over my obstacle. She was supportive and kind and offered a few ideas to try. I hung up the phone a changed woman.
I saw her later in the day and thanked her. She commented that there is a tremendous wealth of knowledge in each and every mother and what a fabulous resource we are for each other. I agree and am very, very thankful for each and every one of you. I will probably contact all of you at some time or another while on this home school adventure (if I haven't already!).

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