Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Peace and Smiles

1. The Trio taping, wrapping, taping a gift for papa for his 70th birthday.
2. Watching Bino's class look, look, look for pumpkins that are so close they could trip over them and then big bro and big sis play so sweetly with all of them.
4. My big sister working her word magic in honor of papa.
5. Black and tans.
6. "All natural training bits [for dogs] with calming herbs..." that claim to "transform your dog." I can't believe I bought them. She sniffed and turned away.


Dana said...

I love the term "Peace and smiles". I also love the fact that I was part of it. Can I borrow that phrase? I have some peace and smiles myself.

Gramma said...

That just may be the title of my Christmas letter.